How To Get Grants And Scholarships Regardless Of Your Income

How To Get Grants And Scholarships Regardless Of Your Income

One of the most important messages I share with my clients is this: Financial Aid is available to everyone regardless of how much income a family makes or how many assets that they have.

So many families believe that they are not eligible for Financial Aid or they believe that they will only get a small amount of Aid. This is simply NOT TRUE. When the time is taken to strategize a financial aid plan based on a family’s finances, they have a better chance of getting more money for college because they know exactly for what they are eligible.    

This is something I have been sharing since the beginning of College Planning Experts. In one of my earliest videos, which you can watch here, I talk about how families can take things into their own hands and legally and ethically shape their financial aid award to meet their unique needs.

Unfortunately, most families fill out the FAFSA and stop there. They do not look further than the federal government to award them a certain amount of aid. What a lot of people miss or have no idea about is all the potential money that private colleges have in the form of grants and scholarships for their prospective students.

So, let’s talk about a real family I have worked with that has been able to strategize a great financial plan for their child in school. Wanting to go to a private college in California, at the time, this family made around $80,000 a year. When they came to College Planning Experts, we quickly discovered that they had a very specific tax situation that would make them eligible for more financial aid. They had a lot of what we call, net operating losses. Because of this certain tax situation, we were able to adjust their income and bring it down almost $10,000.

Thus, when the family filled out their financial aid forms, their yearly income was around $70,000 instead of $80,000. This change made them eligible for a Cal Grant. They were able to get $11,700 off of the overall cost of the college per year for all four years. The best part is that the Cal Grant was just one of the essentially free money opportunities that the family was now eligible for.

Needless to say, having a solid understanding of your finances and how you can shape the financial aid system to fit your family’s needs without breaking any laws or cutting any corners is essential to getting your child into a great school and no financial stress.

Fortunately, if you find that looking in depth at your finances is a daunting, complicated task, my fellow team members and I are professionals with years of experience in working through a great strategy that can lead to a family receiving the best aid for their unique situation.

Get your child into a great school that is also completely affordable for your family by working with our experts, here, at College Planning Experts.

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Written By Brian Safdari

Founder and President Of

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